Achieving Mobile Selling and Power Calling Success with HubSpot and Kixie

Two of the most essential skills for today's sales professionals are the ability to sell on the go, and the ability to make and manage calls — and by integrating automated calling and texting technology provider Kixie with HubSpot, B2B enterprises can achieve both. 

On July 27, 2023, Doug Wendt, Chief Growth Officer of Wendt Partners, had the opportunity to go in-depth on these key skill sets with a stellar panel of HubSpot and Kixie experts. Read on to learn how these platforms work together to provide a winning solution for mobile selling!

HubSpot’s Mobile Capabilities  

iStock-1406229512After the global pandemic, many businesses took the plunge into building connections online — and as a result, creating opportunities for warm leads on-the-go has remained a high priority.  

“HubSpot, completely at no additional charge, provides a supercharged mobile application that is available on both iOS and Android,” shares Wendt. “It works on the tablet as well as the phone, and it's going to give you a chance to see just how powerful HubSpot is, even when it's just in the palm of your hand… whether you're doing windshield time, and you're driving from account to account, or whether you're more like me and you're doing subway time!”

Noah Lassiter, HubSpot Training Specialist at Wendt Partners, provides a live demonstration of the easy-to-use calling features made possible by the HubSpot mobile app: 

  • Seamless Navigation and UX: “One of the great things about HubSpot — especially on the mobile app — is it's going to save you time, and that's going to be time you can dedicate to going out and getting more sales,” says Lassiter. Use HubSpot on-the-go to advance a sale quickly and easily, whether you’re making a call, checking your activity feed (which shows you the entire history, in real time, of how people are engaging with your emails and other communications), managing Views, filtering through your Deal pipelines, or taking advantage of Sales Hub’s other functions — all on your mobile device. 
  • New Contact Activity: Receive notifications when a contact opens one of your documents or interacts with your published content to catch a timely opportunity to reach out.
  • Access Contact Records: Evaluate and adjust properties, associations, and custom objects in individual contact records with the same ease that you would on the HubSpot web app. 
  • Quick Follow-up: Use “hot buttons” under a contact record to call, send emails, and even enroll contacts in sequences at the drop of a hat. “I’ve accomplished about three to five days worth of follow-up action, planning, execution, and scheduling literally by hitting one button for text and one button for enroll,” shares Wendt. Similarly, you can use the plus button at the bottom of your device for shortcuts to creating tasks and starting deals in just a few clicks.

Power Calling & Power Selling

On its own, HubSpot allows users to take the chaos of communication and bring each thread together into the structure of a well-organized CRM. Add-ons from the HubSpot ecosystem only amplify those existing capabilities with the best in technology developments for your team. 

Native HubSpot Calling Features

HubSpot’s embedded calling function is a powerful tool to get sales personnel “in flow” as they reach out to multiple contacts a day. This feature supports both inbound and outbound calls, automatically records conversations for future use in U.S. states where it’s legal to do so, keeps an updated call history for users, and includes intelligent call analytics to keep track of important points — keywords, conversational intent, balance between who is talking and who is listening, cadence, and overall call results. The Playbooks tool allows your sales team to create data-driven step-by-step guides to certain types of calls, and then funnel data from each call directly into HubSpot fields into properties. 

“Our competition makes you buy extra products and add-ons for one hundred percent of what I'm showing you here as native HubSpot functionality,” Wendt affirms. 

Kixie Integration: Supercharge Your Calls

“Let's say that you wanted to call every solar installer in the Southern California area who has more than ten employees. Now you have a massive number of potential customers that you need to try and get a hold of,” says David Gable, Head of Sales at Kixie. “It's situations like these where being able to automate your calling and texting and take advantage of a bunch of complex advanced feature sets really comes into play.”

Gable works with Kixie’s Director of Solution Engineering, Aldo Barbagiovanni, to take a deep dive into the functionality of their integrated calling and texting automation platform:

  • Multiplied Performance: Kixie’s multiple-line Power Dialer allows a salesperson to call up to ten contacts from a newly-imported HubSpot list at the exact same time and automatically connects to whichever human answers first. The whole process takes a matter of seconds!
  • Fully HubSpot-Integrated: Kixie’s overlay is easy to spot in the UI of any contact record. Simply tap the speech bubble icon next to the contact’s name to connect to the Power Dialer. Additionally, you can log all call outcomes into HubSpot directly from the Kixie dialer. “All of the great call functionality that Doug highlighted… works with Kixie,” says Barbagiovanni. “That includes call analysis and call libraries. Any call reports that you've created, or any Hubspot call report templates that you want to leverage, all of that works with Kixie because we push [calls] into HubSpot.”
  • Using AI to Reach Humans: Kixie’s newest development uses artificial intelligence to identify which calls will bypass voicemail inboxes and other non-human receivers to allow salespeople to get on the phone with potential customers, faster. 
  • Kixie Actions in HubSpot Automation: Kixie connects directly with HubSpot’s Workflow engine, so enrollment triggers such as content engagement can instantly trigger call scheduling.Learn who you’re connected with from any organization’s web page by using the Knowledgenet Chrome extension, and export potential leads directly into HubSpot.  

Wendt Partners: The Elite Team   

Wendt Partners is proud to offer a full suite of growth services and implementation packages for B2B enterprises around the world. From spearheading successful Salesforce to HubSpot migrations to empowering your team members with in-depth HubSpot portal training (including our HubSpot Portal Success training extension to supercharge your sales activity using HubSpot mobile apps), we have the tools you need to reach your full potential — both in sales and throughout your entire organization. 

Contact us today to begin your journey with an Elite HubSpot Solutions Partner!

All Wendt Partners clients begin with a Business Growth Assessment covering the four core focus areas essential to business growth.

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